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Glutinous Rice Cake

Glutinous Rice Cake

Main ingredients:
Glutinous rice flour: 200g; Wheat starch: 50g.

Auxiliary materials:
Roasted peanuts: 50g; Cooked sesame: 20g.

Corn oil: 15g; Brown sugar: 50g; White sugar: 50g; Boiling water: appropriate amount.

Glutinous Rice Cake

Taste: Sweet and fragrant; Cooking method: Pan-fried; Time-consuming: Half an hour; Difficulty: Ordinary.

Detailed steps for cooking Glutinous Rice Cake

Steps for making Glutinous Rice Cake

Add wheat starch (i.e. clear flour) and roasted peanuts, fried sesame to glutinous rice flour.

Steps for making Glutinous Rice Cake

Prepare an appropriate amount of brown sugar and white sugar.

Steps for making Glutinous Rice Cake

Grind the rice in a stone mortar until it has a grainy texture.

Steps for making Glutinous Rice Cake

Put the ground peanuts and sesame in a bowl.

Steps for making Glutinous Rice Cake

Add brown sugar and white sugar.

Steps for making Glutinous Rice Cake

Add 10g of corn oil after mixing well.

Steps for making Glutinous Rice Cake

Seasoning is ready.

Steps for making Glutinous Rice Cake

Add boiling water to glutinous rice flour.

Steps for making Glutinous Rice Cake

Add 5g of corn oil after kneading into a dough.

Steps for making Glutinous Rice Cake

Knead into a dough again.

Steps for making Glutinous Rice Cake

Take a piece of dough, roll it into a ball, and then pinch it into a small nest shape.

Steps for making Glutinous Rice Cake

Put in the filling.

Steps for making Glutinous Rice Cake

Seal the edges.

Steps for making Glutinous Rice Cake

Seal it well.

Steps for making Glutinous Rice Cake

Press it into a cake shape.

Steps for making Glutinous Rice Cake

Repeat the process.

Steps for making Glutinous Rice Cake

Brush the surface with water.

Steps for making Glutinous Rice Cake

Sprinkle with white sesame seeds.

Steps for making Glutinous Rice Cake

Heat oil in a pan and fry the small cakes.

Steps for making Glutinous Rice Cake

Fry until both sides are golden brown.

Steps for making Glutinous Rice Cake

It’s cooked when it puffs up.

Steps for making Glutinous Rice Cake

Glutinous Rice Cake is ready.

Steps for making Glutinous Rice Cake

The surface is crispy and the filling is juicy!