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Golden Curry Pork Chop Rice

Main Ingredients:
Pork: 500g; Beef: 100g; Carrot: 1; Potato: 1; Onion: 1.

Curry: 50g; Salt: 5g; Bread crumbs: 100g; Pepper: 5g; Egg: 1.

Taste: Mildly spicy; Cooking method: Boiling; Time: One hour; Difficulty: Normal.

Detailed Steps for Cooking Golden Curry Pork Chop Rice

Cut the onion into small pieces.

Cut the potato, carrot, and beef into small pieces (around 2cm) and blanch the beef.

Stir-fry the potato, onion, carrot, and beef until they are slightly cooked.

Add water and bring to a boil, then simmer on low heat (the water should cover the ingredients).

After half an hour on low heat, add the curry and stir continuously.

When the curry is completely melted, it’s done.

Tenderize the pork with a meat hammer to remove the tendons.

Marinate the pork with pepper and salt for twenty minutes.

Dip the marinated pork in egg and coat with bread crumbs.

Fry the pork in oil at around 160°C for two minutes.

Arrange the pork chop on a plate, pour the curry on top, and enjoy!