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Golden Rose

Golden Rose

Main ingredients:
Potatoes: 2.

Auxiliary materials:
Rapeseed oil: 500g.

Taste: Original; Cooking method: Fried; Time: Half an hour; Difficulty: Simple.

Golden Rose Cooking Steps

Golden Rose Cooking Steps

Prepare the required ingredients and peel and wash the potatoes.

Golden Rose Cooking Steps

Cut the potatoes into thin slices and make them into rose flowers. Don’t waste the middle part, you can cut it into pieces or slices.

Golden Rose Cooking Steps

Roll up from small to large to make the rose flower core, and fix it with a toothpick.

Golden Rose Cooking Steps

Roll up the petals and fix them with toothpicks. The rose flower is ready.

Golden Rose Cooking Steps

Soak in water to remove excess starch. The potato slices are a bit hard, so take them out and drain the water.

Golden Rose Cooking Steps

The finished rose flower.

Golden Rose Cooking Steps

Use a smaller deep bucket container and pour in rapeseed oil (use a deep bucket container to use less oil).

Golden Rose Cooking Steps

Heat the oil until it is hot, put the rose flower in to set for 3 minutes, and fry slowly over low heat.

Golden Rose Cooking Steps

Fry until golden brown and the petals are crispy. Remove and drain the oil, then it can be eaten.

Golden Rose Cooking Steps

Enjoy the finished product.

Golden Rose Cooking Steps

Enjoy the finished product.

Golden Rose Cooking Steps

Enjoy the finished product.

Golden Rose Cooking Steps