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Green Rice Cake

Green Rice Cake

Main ingredients:
Glutinous rice flour: 400g; Clear flour: 120g; Meat, dried tofu and pickled cabbage stuffing: appropriate amount.

Auxiliary materials:
Mugwort paste: 400g; Boiling water: 200g.

Sugar: 20g; Butter: 40g.

Taste: Salty and fragrant; Cooking method: Steaming; Time-consuming: One hour; Difficulty: Advanced.

Detailed Steps for Cooking Green Rice Cake

Steps for Making Green Rice Cake

Boil fresh mugwort in water and put it in a blender to make a paste.

Steps for Making Green Rice Cake

Add 400g glutinous rice flour, 40g butter, and 20g sugar.

Steps for Making Green Rice Cake

Mix well.

Steps for Making Green Rice Cake

Add about 400g of mugwort paste.

Steps for Making Green Rice Cake

Knead into a dough.

Steps for Making Green Rice Cake

Take another bowl and put in 120g of clear flour.

Steps for Making Green Rice Cake

Pour in 200g of boiling water.

Steps for Making Green Rice Cake

Mix into a dough.

Steps for Making Green Rice Cake

Put it into the mugwort dough.

Steps for Making Green Rice Cake

Knead into a dough.

Steps for Making Green Rice Cake

The filling can be mashed taro, salted egg yolk and shredded meat, but this time I used meat, dried tofu and pickled cabbage stuffing.

Steps for Making Green Rice Cake

Take about 40g of dough and wrap it around an appropriate amount of filling.

Steps for Making Green Rice Cake

Seal the edges.

Steps for Making Green Rice Cake

Steam for 8 minutes after the water boils.

Steps for Making Green Rice Cake

Spray a layer of cooking oil on the surface after removing from the pot.