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Homemade Pork Jerky

Homemade Pork Jerky

Main Ingredients:
Lean pork: 500g.

Auxiliary Materials:
Ginger: appropriate amount; Cornstarch: 1 tablespoon.

Cooking wine: 1 tablespoon; Oyster sauce: 1 tablespoon; Dark soy sauce: appropriate amount; Pepper: appropriate amount; Five spice powder: appropriate amount; Light soy sauce: 1 tablespoon; Chili powder: appropriate amount; Honey: 1 tablespoon; Cumin powder: appropriate amount.

Flavor: Spicy; Cooking Method: Baked; Time: One hour; Difficulty: Easy.

Detailed Steps for Making Homemade Pork Jerky

Steps for Making Homemade Pork Jerky

Take about 500g of lean pork.

Steps for Making Homemade Pork Jerky

Cut it into small pieces and put it into a meat grinder with ginger slices to grind.

Steps for Making Homemade Pork Jerky

Add appropriate amount of seasonings, one tablespoon of cornstarch, 2 tablespoons of water and mix well. Finally, add 2 tablespoons of cooking oil so that the taste is not too dry.

Steps for Making Homemade Pork Jerky

Put the meat mixture into two sheets of oiled paper and press it into thin slices with a rolling pin.

Steps for Making Homemade Pork Jerky

Adjust the shape with a scraper, cover with oiled paper and place it on the middle layer of the oven. Bake at 200 degrees Celsius for about 8 minutes. This depends on the size of your oven. Slowly bake it until it’s done. My oven is not particularly hot.

Steps for Making Homemade Pork Jerky

When it’s almost cooked, take it out, remove the top layer of oiled paper, brush the surface with honey water (mix honey with appropriate amount of water).

Steps for Making Homemade Pork Jerky

Continue to bake until the surface turns brown, then take it out, flip it over, brush it with honey, and bake it again. If you like it sweeter, you can brush it with honey water several times. Flip it over frequently during baking. Don’t leave the oven during this step and observe it carefully.

Steps for Making Homemade Pork Jerky

Bake until it reaches the desired hardness. Mine was almost overdone, but I took it out just in time.

Steps for Making Homemade Pork Jerky

Cut it into small pieces and put it in a box. Refrigerate it for a week until the meat is finished. Can you smell the aroma? Hurry up and try it. It’s much cheaper than the ones in the supermarket.