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Homemade Sausage

Homemade Sausage

Main Ingredients:
2 pounds of pork.

Auxiliary Materials:
Sausage Five Spice Powder: appropriate amount; Cornstarch: appropriate amount; Scallion Ginger Water: appropriate amount; Sausage Casing: appropriate amount.

Salt: appropriate amount; Soy Sauce: appropriate amount; Sugar: appropriate amount; Egg: 1.

Taste: Salty and Fragrant; Cooking Method: Baked; Time: One Hour; Difficulty: Easy.

Detailed Steps for Making Homemade Sausage

Steps for Making Homemade Sausage

Finished product picture.

Steps for Making Homemade Sausage

Method: Grind one and a half pounds of meat into granules, and cut half a pound of meat into thin slices for later use.

Steps for Making Homemade Sausage

Add an appropriate amount of sausage five spice powder.

Steps for Making Homemade Sausage

Add an appropriate amount of salt, sugar, sesame oil, soy sauce for coloring, one egg, an appropriate amount of scallion ginger water, and stir in one direction until even.

Steps for Making Homemade Sausage

Add an appropriate amount of cornstarch, continue to stir in one direction until even, and finally add an appropriate amount of oil, and continue to stir in one direction until even.

Steps for Making Homemade Sausage

Rinse the sausage casing to remove the salt, and rinse the casing with clean water.

Steps for Making Homemade Sausage

Soak the rinsed sausage casing in an appropriate amount of high-alcohol white wine to remove the fishy smell.

Steps for Making Homemade Sausage

Put the meat filling into a pastry bag.

Steps for Making Homemade Sausage

Tie a knot at the end of the sausage casing, put it on the container mouth, and slowly squeeze in the meat filling.

Steps for Making Homemade Sausage

Tie a knot, do it all, and use a needle to pierce the surface to vent.

Steps for Making Homemade Sausage

Cook in cold water, and cook over medium and small heat throughout the process.

Steps for Making Homemade Sausage

Cover the pot lid, and during the cooking process, use a needle to pierce the hole. Do not cook over high heat and skim off the blood foam.

Steps for Making Homemade Sausage

Cook until done, remove and drain the water.

Steps for Making Homemade Sausage

Brush a layer of oil on the surface without water, and then brush a layer of soy sauce for coloring.

Steps for Making Homemade Sausage

Preheat the oven in advance, bake at 230 degrees with upper and lower heat for 15 minutes.

Steps for Making Homemade Sausage

Take it out and let it cool before eating.

Steps for Making Homemade Sausage

Finished product picture.

Steps for Making Homemade Sausage

Finished product picture.

Steps for Making Homemade Sausage

Finished product picture.

Steps for Making Homemade Sausage

Finished product picture.

Steps for Making Homemade Sausage

Finished product picture.