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Honey Bean Buns

Honey Bean Buns

Main Ingredients:
High-gluten flour: 200g; All-purpose flour: 100g; Egg: 1; Granulated sugar: 5g; Honey: 25g; Cornstarch: 10g.

Additional Ingredients:
Bean paste: 300g.

Granulated sugar: 5g; White sesame seeds: 10g; Honey: 1 tablespoon.

Honey Bean Buns

Taste: Sweet; Technique: Baking; Time: Several hours; Difficulty: Moderate.

Detailed Steps for Cooking Honey Bean Buns

Steps for Making Honey Bean Buns

Mix the ingredients for the dough and knead until smooth. The dough should be able to stretch into a thin film.

Steps for Making Honey Bean Buns

Let the dough ferment until it doubles in size.

Steps for Making Honey Bean Buns

Flip the dough over and let it ferment until it doubles in size again (I made the dough the night before and left it on the balcony because it was too late. I flipped it over in the morning and made the buns in the evening. The dough over-fermented a bit).

Steps for Making Honey Bean Buns

Divide the dough into 12 small portions, about 50g each.

Steps for Making Honey Bean Buns

Roll each portion into a ball and let it rest for 15 minutes (if the dough is sticky, use a little flour).

Steps for Making Honey Bean Buns

Prepare the filling while waiting for the dough to rest.

Steps for Making Honey Bean Buns

I used the famous Ear Eye Fried Cake filling, which is not pure bean paste and contains bean skin. It tasted good, but was too sweet. It’s not suitable for people who prefer less sweet food.

Steps for Making Honey Bean Buns

Divide the filling into 12 small portions, about 25g each.

Steps for Making Honey Bean Buns

Wrap each portion of filling with the dough.

Steps for Making Honey Bean Buns

Use your left hand to gather the dough and your right thumb to press the filling inside.

Steps for Making Honey Bean Buns

Pinch the dough tightly to seal it.

Steps for Making Honey Bean Buns

Dip the bottom of the bun in a little water, then dip it in the topping mixture. Place it on a greased baking sheet (I used aluminum foil to avoid having to scrub the pan).

Steps for Making Honey Bean Buns

Let the buns ferment again until they double in size.

Steps for Making Honey Bean Buns

Pour vegetable oil into the gaps between the buns (I used 4 teaspoons, but more would be better).

Steps for Making Honey Bean Buns

Sprinkle the remaining topping mixture on top of the buns.

Steps for Making Honey Bean Buns

Bake in a preheated oven at 200 degrees Celsius for about 12 minutes, until the buns are golden brown.

Steps for Making Honey Bean Buns

Brush the buns with honey water while they are still hot.