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Honey Egg Twist

Honey Egg Twist

Main Ingredients:
Flour: 500g.

Auxiliary Materials:
Eggs: 2; Milk: 130g; Honey: 35g; Yeast: 3g; Baking Powder: 2g.

Cooking Oil: 40g; Granulated Sugar: 80g.

Flavor: Sweet and Fragrant; Cooking Method: Fried; Time: One Hour; Difficulty: Simple.

Steps for Cooking Honey Egg Twist

Steps for Cooking Honey Egg Twist

Add all ingredients.

Steps for Cooking Honey Egg Twist

Add milk and stir until lumpy, then add cooking oil.

Steps for Cooking Honey Egg Twist

Knead into a dough of moderate softness and hardness and cover with plastic wrap to ferment.

Steps for Cooking Honey Egg Twist

Knead the dough until smooth.

Steps for Cooking Honey Egg Twist

Divide into equal small portions.

Steps for Cooking Honey Egg Twist

Roll into strips.

Steps for Cooking Honey Egg Twist

I usually fry two twists at a time, but this time I made single twists.

Steps for Cooking Honey Egg Twist

The second fermentation is complete.

Steps for Cooking Honey Egg Twist

Put cooking oil in the pan and fry slowly over medium-low heat (high heat will cause burning).

Steps for Cooking Honey Egg Twist

Fry until golden brown.

Steps for Cooking Honey Egg Twist

The appearance of the twists is not very good this time, but the taste is crispy on the outside and soft on the inside. My family unanimously agreed that it was “delicious”.