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Honey Pear and Bird’s Nest Dessert

Honey Pear and Bird's Nest Dessert

Main ingredients:
1 pear; bird’s nest (as needed).

Additional ingredients:
Honey (as needed); 3 goji berries.

Honey Pear and Bird's Nest Dessert

Honey Pear and Bird's Nest Dessert

Honey Pear and Bird's Nest Dessert

Honey Pear and Bird's Nest Dessert

Taste: Sweet; Cooking method: Steaming; Time required: Half an hour; Difficulty: Easy.

Detailed Steps for Making Honey Pear and Bird’s Nest Dessert

Steps for Making Honey Pear and Bird's Nest Dessert

Peel the pear and remove the core. Cut off the top and bottom and make it flat.

Steps for Making Honey Pear and Bird's Nest Dessert

Wash and tear the bird’s nest into strips.

Steps for Making Honey Pear and Bird's Nest Dessert

Place the pear in a bowl and put the bird’s nest in the middle.

Steps for Making Honey Pear and Bird's Nest Dessert

Add water until it almost covers the pear.

Steps for Making Honey Pear and Bird's Nest Dessert

Steam for half an hour.

Steps for Making Honey Pear and Bird's Nest Dessert

After removing from the steamer, let it cool down and mix with honey. Add a few goji berries for decoration when taking photos.