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Honey Stone Flower Cake

Honey Stone Flower Cake

Stone flower cake powder: 50g; Honey: 100g; Water: 1000g; Rock sugar: appropriate amount.

Taste: Sweet; Cooking method: Boiling; Time: Ten minutes; Difficulty: Unknown.

Detailed Steps for Cooking Honey Stone Flower Cake

Steps for Making Honey Stone Flower Cake

Raw materials: stone flower cake powder, honey, rock sugar.

Steps for Making Honey Stone Flower Cake

Pour the stone flower cake powder into a large pot, add water and stir well.

Steps for Making Honey Stone Flower Cake

Crush the rock sugar and add it to the pot.

Steps for Making Honey Stone Flower Cake

Turn on medium heat, stir while cooking until boiling.

Steps for Making Honey Stone Flower Cake

Turn off the heat and let it cool, then add honey and mix well.

Steps for Making Honey Stone Flower Cake

Divide the mixture into molds, about 80% full, and add an appropriate amount of honey red beans. Cover with plastic wrap and refrigerate until solid before serving.

Steps for Making Honey Stone Flower Cake

You can also directly put the cooked stone flower cake into a container and refrigerate until solid.

Steps for Making Honey Stone Flower Cake

Use a special shredder to shred it and use it to make shaved ice, desserts or drinks.