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Hot Drink | Taro Bubble Milk Tea

Hot Drink | Taro Bubble Milk Tea

Main Ingredients:
Taro cubes: 2 tablespoons (smashed); Amber pearls: 1 scoop; Milk tea base: 250ml.

Additional Ingredients:
Hot water: 75ml; Fructose: 10ml.

Flavor: Sweet; Technique: Other; Time: Ten minutes; Difficulty: Normal.

Detailed Steps for Making Hot Drink | Taro Bubble Milk Tea

Detailed Steps for Making Hot Drink | Taro Bubble Milk Tea

Prepare taro cubes, amber pearls, milk tea base, hot water, and fructose.

Detailed Steps for Making Hot Drink | Taro Bubble Milk Tea

Pour milk tea base and hot water into a shaker.

Detailed Steps for Making Hot Drink | Taro Bubble Milk Tea

Add fructose and stir quickly until well mixed.

Detailed Steps for Making Hot Drink | Taro Bubble Milk Tea

Pour taro cubes and smashed taro paste into a serving cup.

Detailed Steps for Making Hot Drink | Taro Bubble Milk Tea

Add amber pearls.

Detailed Steps for Making Hot Drink | Taro Bubble Milk Tea

Pour the milk tea from the shaker into the serving cup.

Detailed Steps for Making Hot Drink | Taro Bubble Milk Tea

Your Taro Bubble Milk Tea is ready!