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Huaihua Rice

Huaihua Rice

Main ingredients:
Huaihua: appropriate amount; Flour: appropriate amount.

Auxiliary materials:
Edible oil: appropriate amount; Scallion: appropriate amount.

Salt: appropriate amount; Monosodium glutamate: appropriate amount; Vinegar: appropriate amount; Chili oil: appropriate amount.

Taste: light; Cooking method: steaming; Time-consuming: ten minutes; Difficulty: simple.

Detailed steps for cooking Huaihua Rice

Steps for making Huaihua Rice

Wash the Huaihua flowers several times until clean.

Steps for making Huaihua Rice

Put the Huaihua flowers into the steamer, add flour gradually while stirring with chopsticks.

Steps for making Huaihua Rice

Coat each flower evenly with flour, do not use too much flour, and avoid forming lumps.

Steps for making Huaihua Rice

Boil water in the steamer.

Steps for making Huaihua Rice

Place the steamer on top of the pot and steam for 8 minutes.

Steps for making Huaihua Rice

Cut some scallions during steaming.

Steps for making Huaihua Rice

After steaming, transfer the Huaihua Rice to a large bowl.

Steps for making Huaihua Rice

Heat the oil in a pan, add scallions and stir-fry until fragrant.

Steps for making Huaihua Rice

Pour the scallion oil over the Huaihua Rice.

Steps for making Huaihua Rice

Add an appropriate amount of salt to the Huaihua Rice and mix well. You can also make a vinegar sauce (salt, vinegar, monosodium glutamate, chili oil) and mix it with the Huaihua Rice according to personal taste. If you prefer a light taste, you can skip the vinegar sauce and enjoy the natural fragrance of the Huaihua Rice.