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Flour: appropriate amount; Sugar: appropriate amount.

Yeast: appropriate amount; Salt: appropriate amount; Peanut oil: appropriate amount; Water: appropriate amount.

Flavor: original; Cooking method: steaming; Time-consuming: one hour; Difficulty: ordinary.

Detailed steps for cooking Huajuan

Steps for making Huajuan

Dilute the yeast powder with water, add a little sugar and flour, and wait for the flour to ferment.

Steps for making Huajuan

Knead the fermented dough with dry flour.

Steps for making Huajuan

Roll it into a 0.5 cm thick round cake with a rolling pin, spread peanut oil evenly, sprinkle with appropriate amount of salt, and you can also sprinkle some chopped green onion according to personal preference.

Steps for making Huajuan

Roll it into a long strip, and cut it evenly.

Steps for making Huajuan

Stack two cut pieces together, gently pull and twist them into Huajuan.

Steps for making Huajuan

Put enough water in the steamer, put the Huajuan in, cover the lid and let it rest for 30 minutes.

Steps for making Huajuan

Steam the Huajuan after it has rested, start timing for 20 minutes after the water boils, and turn off the heat after 20 minutes.

Steps for making Huajuan

Take it out of the steamer.

Steps for making Huajuan

Plate it! Please refer to the recipe for Huajuan.