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Huixiang Chicken Egg Dumplings

Huixiang Chicken Egg Dumplings

Main Ingredients:
Flour: 200g; Huixiang: appropriate amount; Eggs: 2.

Salt: appropriate amount; Chicken essence: appropriate amount; Cooking oil: appropriate amount; Sesame oil: appropriate amount; Water: 100ml.

Taste: salty and fragrant; Cooking method: boiling; Time: one hour; Difficulty: easy.

Detailed Steps for Cooking Huixiang Chicken Egg Dumplings

Steps for Making Huixiang Chicken Egg Dumplings

Put flour and water into the bread bucket and start the kneading program.

Steps for Making Huixiang Chicken Egg Dumplings

Knead the dough and put it in a bowl for later use.

Steps for Making Huixiang Chicken Egg Dumplings

Heat the oil in a pan, add the egg liquid and stir-fry until solid, then crush it with a spatula and set aside.

Steps for Making Huixiang Chicken Egg Dumplings

Clean the Huixiang and chop it into small pieces. Mix it with the eggs, salt, chicken essence, cooking oil, and sesame oil.

Steps for Making Huixiang Chicken Egg Dumplings

Divide the dough into small pieces and flatten them.

Steps for Making Huixiang Chicken Egg Dumplings

Roll them into dumpling skins.

Steps for Making Huixiang Chicken Egg Dumplings

Put the filling in and wrap it up.

Steps for Making Huixiang Chicken Egg Dumplings

The wrapped dumplings.

Steps for Making Huixiang Chicken Egg Dumplings

Boil the water in a pot and add the dumplings.

Steps for Making Huixiang Chicken Egg Dumplings

When cooked, remove from the pot.

Steps for Making Huixiang Chicken Egg Dumplings

The finished product.