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Huixiang Vermicelli Vegetarian Dumplings

Huixiang Vermicelli Vegetarian Dumplings

Main ingredients:
Fennel: appropriate amount; Flour: appropriate amount.

Auxiliary materials:
Eggs: 2; Vermicelli: appropriate amount.

Corn oil: appropriate amount; Sesame oil: appropriate amount; Salt: appropriate amount; Ginger powder: appropriate amount; Soy sauce: appropriate amount; Sichuan peppercorn oil: appropriate amount.

Huixiang Vermicelli Vegetarian Dumplings

Taste: salty and fragrant; Cooking method: boiling; Time: 45 minutes; Difficulty: easy.

Detailed steps for cooking Huixiang Vermicelli Vegetarian Dumplings

Steps for making Huixiang Vermicelli Vegetarian Dumplings

Prepare the ingredients.

Steps for making Huixiang Vermicelli Vegetarian Dumplings

Scramble the eggs.

Steps for making Huixiang Vermicelli Vegetarian Dumplings

Cook the vermicelli until soft.

Steps for making Huixiang Vermicelli Vegetarian Dumplings

Chop the vermicelli, add soy sauce, Sichuan peppercorn oil, and ginger powder, and mix well.

Steps for making Huixiang Vermicelli Vegetarian Dumplings

Put all the ingredients together and add all the seasonings.

Steps for making Huixiang Vermicelli Vegetarian Dumplings

Mix well.

Steps for making Huixiang Vermicelli Vegetarian Dumplings

Knead the dough in advance and let it rest for 30 minutes. That is, knead the dough first and then prepare the filling.

Steps for making Huixiang Vermicelli Vegetarian Dumplings

Divide the dough into equal pieces and roll them into dumpling skins.

Steps for making Huixiang Vermicelli Vegetarian Dumplings

Add the filling.

Steps for making Huixiang Vermicelli Vegetarian Dumplings

Wrap all the dumplings.

Steps for making Huixiang Vermicelli Vegetarian Dumplings

Boil the dumplings in boiling water for 3 minutes.

Steps for making Huixiang Vermicelli Vegetarian Dumplings

Take out the dumplings.

Steps for making Huixiang Vermicelli Vegetarian Dumplings

The finished product.

Steps for making Huixiang Vermicelli Vegetarian Dumplings

The vegetarian dumplings with Huixiang and vermicelli are very delicious.