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Japanese Purple Rice and Beef Bowl

Japanese Purple Rice and Beef Bowl

Main Dish:
Purple Rice: 1/2 cup; White Rice: 1.5 cups.

Main Course:
Beef Slices: As needed; Onion: As needed.

Main Course Sauce:
Oyster Sauce: 2 tbsp; Soy Sauce: 3 tbsp; Dark Soy Sauce: 1/2 tbsp; Cooking Wine: 4 tbsp; Salt: 1/2 tsp; Sugar: 1 tbsp.

Boiled Vegetables:
White Enoki Mushroom: As needed; Chinese Flowering Cabbage: As needed; Carrot: As needed.

Starch Water:
Starch: 2 tbsp; Water: 1/2 cup.

Japanese Purple Rice and Beef Bowl

Taste: Salty and Fresh; Cooking Method: Stir-fry; Time: Half an hour; Difficulty: Simple.

Detailed Steps for Cooking Japanese Purple Rice and Beef Bowl

Steps for Cooking Japanese Purple Rice and Beef Bowl

Prepare the ingredients: Tear the white enoki mushrooms into thin strips, wash the Chinese flowering cabbage, slice the carrots, add salt to all and blanch them in boiling water. Drain and set aside. Cut the onion into small pieces and put the sauce in a bowl, stir well and set aside.

Steps for Cooking Japanese Purple Rice and Beef Bowl

Boil the beef in water in advance to remove any blood foam and set aside.

Steps for Cooking Japanese Purple Rice and Beef Bowl

Put oil in the pan, stir-fry the onion until it is 80% cooked.

Steps for Cooking Japanese Purple Rice and Beef Bowl

Add the beef and stir-fry for a few more times.

Steps for Cooking Japanese Purple Rice and Beef Bowl

Put the sauce in the pan, then add three times the amount of water as the sauce and bring the soup to a boil.

Steps for Cooking Japanese Purple Rice and Beef Bowl

After the soup boils, add the starch water and stir-fry until thickened, then it’s ready to serve.

Steps for Cooking Japanese Purple Rice and Beef Bowl

Put all the main course, main dish, and boiled vegetables in a plate and it’s ready to eat.