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Korean Army Stew

Korean Army Stew

Main Ingredients:
Spicy cabbage: 250g; Bone broth: 1 pot.

Additional Ingredients:
Soy sauce: as needed; Salt: as needed; Scallions: 2; Garlic: as needed; Chili paste: as needed; Clams: as desired; Tofu: as needed; Fish balls: as needed; Rice cakes: 10; Ginger: 1; Instant noodles: 1; Fatty pork: a little; Canned peas: as needed; Ham: as needed.

Taste: Mildly spicy; Cooking method: Boiling; Time required: Several hours; Difficulty: Moderate.

Steps to Cook Korean Army Stew

Steps to Cook Korean Army Stew

Soak the clams in water to let them spit out sand (I soaked them for a long time, but online sources say that rinsing them thoroughly is also okay. I bought the ingredients in the morning and had enough time to soak them until dinner)

Steps to Cook Korean Army Stew

Cut the tofu and ham into slices, and wash the bean sprouts.

Steps to Cook Korean Army Stew

Soak the sliced tofu until ready to eat

Steps to Cook Korean Army Stew

Cut the ginger and scallions, pour the clams into the pot, add enough water to cover the clams, and let the clams spit out water on their own. Add cooking wine and cook until most of the clams open. Turn off the heat and let it sit in the pot for about three minutes before removing the clams.

Steps to Cook Korean Army Stew

Arrange all the ingredients on a plate (optional). The bottom layer is the spicy cabbage, followed by canned peas, and then arrange the rest of the ingredients as desired.

Steps to Cook Korean Army Stew

Pour the bone broth into the pot and bring to a boil before serving.