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Lava Cake

Lava Cake

Brownie Cake Base:
Dark Chocolate: 70g; Butter: 50g; Whole Egg Liquid: 50g; Sugar: 30g; Salt: 0.5g; Low-gluten Flour: 35g.

Lava Filling:
Egg Yolk: 1; Sugar: 8g; Cornstarch: 8g; Cocoa Powder: 5g; Milk: 140g; Dark Chocolate: 150g; Cream: 120g; Butter: 50g.

Lava Cake

Lava Cake

Lava Cake

Flavor: Other; Technique: Baking; Time: Several hours; Difficulty: God-level.

Step-by-Step Instructions for Making Lava Cake

Lava Cake Making Steps

Mix 50g whole egg liquid + 30g sugar + 0.5g salt.

Lava Cake Making Steps

Add 35g low-gluten flour and mix well.

Lava Cake Making Steps

Mix butter and dark chocolate.

Lava Cake Making Steps

Pour into a greased mold, preheat the oven to 180 degrees and bake for 20 minutes.

Lava Cake Making Steps

Chocolate paste: Mix 1 egg yolk + 8g sugar + 8g cornstarch + 5g cocoa powder.

Lava Cake Making Steps

Heat 140g milk to boiling, quickly pour into the paste and stir well.

Lava Cake Making Steps

Reheat on low heat, stirring constantly until thick and paste-like.

Lava Cake Making Steps

Melt 150g dark chocolate over a water bath.

Lava Cake Making Steps

Add the chocolate paste.

Lava Cake Making Steps

Add 120g cream at 60 degrees, add 50g butter and mix well.

Lava Cake Making Steps

Press the hot brownie base into a mold.

Lava Cake Making Steps

Line the mold with parchment paper, place the brownie cake at the bottom, and pour the lava filling on top.

Lava Cake Making Steps

Bake at 180 degrees for 6 minutes.

Lava Cake Making Steps

Refrigerate for 4 hours before removing from the mold.

Lava Cake Making Steps

Sprinkle with cocoa powder.

Lava Cake Making Steps

Finished product.