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Layered Red Bean Cake Roll

Layered Red Bean Cake Roll

Flour: 200g; Water: 100g; Red bean paste: appropriate amount.

Yeast: 1g; Baking soda: 1g; Sugar: 5g; Salt: 3g; Oil: a little bit.

Taste: Original; Cooking method: Baking; Time-consuming: Several hours; Difficulty: Easy.

Steps for making Layered Red Bean Cake Roll

Steps for making Layered Red Bean Cake Roll

Measure the flour and make a few holes in the middle. Add yeast, salt, sugar, and baking soda. Mix well. Add warm water and knead into a smooth dough.

Steps for making Layered Red Bean Cake Roll

Let the dough rest for an hour until it rises.

Steps for making Layered Red Bean Cake Roll

Take a piece of risen dough and roll it out thinly. Add red bean paste in the middle and wrap it up tightly.

Steps for making Layered Red Bean Cake Roll

After wrapping all the dough, apply some oil on the cutting board and rolling pin. Roll the dough into a thin long strip. Add some oil in the middle and roll it up with the sealed side facing down.

Steps for making Layered Red Bean Cake Roll

Let it rest for another half an hour.

Steps for making Layered Red Bean Cake Roll

Preheat the oven to 200 degrees Celsius. Brush some water (or egg wash) on the cake roll and bake it at 160 degrees Celsius for 15 minutes.

Steps for making Layered Red Bean Cake Roll
