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Leek Dumplings

Leek Dumplings

Main Ingredients:
Leeks: 500g; Eggs: 4; Dough: 1 piece.

Additional Ingredients:
Cooking Oil: Appropriate amount; Salt: 1 teaspoon; Chicken Essence: 1 tablespoon; Filling Ingredients: A little.

Taste: Salty and Fresh; Cooking Method: Pan-fried; Time: One hour; Difficulty: Simple.

Steps to Make Leek Dumplings

Steps to Make Leek Dumplings

Beat the eggs and fry them in a pan until they are crumbled. Let them cool. Wash and chop the leeks, then mix them with the cooled eggs.

Steps to Make Leek Dumplings

Add salt.

Steps to Make Leek Dumplings

Add filling ingredients.

Steps to Make Leek Dumplings

Add chicken essence and mix well.

Steps to Make Leek Dumplings

Make the dough into small balls, flatten them, and roll them into thin skins.

Steps to Make Leek Dumplings

Put the leek filling in the skins and fold them into dumplings.

Steps to Make Leek Dumplings

Heat the electric griddle, add oil, and cook the dumplings until they are fully cooked.

Steps to Make Leek Dumplings

Serve and enjoy!