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Leek, Ham and Egg Pancake

Leek, Ham and Egg Pancake

Leek: 1 small bunch; Ham slices: 100g; Eggs: 3; All-purpose flour: 1.5 cups.

Additional ingredients:
Fresh milk: about 450ml; Salt: a little; Corn oil: appropriate amount.

Taste: savory; Cooking method: frying; Time: half an hour; Difficulty: easy.

Detailed Steps for Cooking Leek, Ham and Egg Pancake

Steps for Cooking Leek, Ham and Egg Pancake

Beat the eggs into the flour and mix them slightly.

Steps for Cooking Leek, Ham and Egg Pancake

Slowly add milk and stir until there are no lumps and the batter is thin and watery.

Steps for Cooking Leek, Ham and Egg Pancake

Wash and chop the leek.

Steps for Cooking Leek, Ham and Egg Pancake

Cut the ham slices into small pieces.

Steps for Cooking Leek, Ham and Egg Pancake

Add the chopped leek and ham pieces into the batter, add 1/4 teaspoon of salt and 1 tablespoon of oil, and mix well.

Steps for Cooking Leek, Ham and Egg Pancake

Heat a non-stick pan with a little oil, pour about 2 tablespoons of batter and spread it thinly, fry over low heat until golden brown.

Steps for Cooking Leek, Ham and Egg Pancake

Flip and fry the other side.

Steps for Cooking Leek, Ham and Egg Pancake

Remove from the pan when both sides are golden brown.

Steps for Cooking Leek, Ham and Egg Pancake

It’s a perfect breakfast when served with fruit and milk.