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Leftover Battle – Colorful Fried Rice

Leftover Battle - Colorful Fried Rice

Main Ingredients:
Green Vegetables: Appropriate amount; Cucumber: Appropriate amount; Ham: Appropriate amount; Leftover White Rice: Appropriate amount.

Auxiliary Ingredients:
Egg: One; Pig’s Feet Soup Cake: Appropriate amount.

Salt: Appropriate amount.

Flavor: Five Spice; Cooking Method: Stir-fry; Time: Twenty minutes; Difficulty: Normal.

Steps for Cooking Leftover Battle – Colorful Fried Rice

Steps for Cooking Leftover Battle - Colorful Fried Rice

Green vegetables, cucumber, ham.

Steps for Cooking Leftover Battle - Colorful Fried Rice

Cut the ingredients into small cubes.

Steps for Cooking Leftover Battle - Colorful Fried Rice

Scramble the egg into small pieces.

Steps for Cooking Leftover Battle - Colorful Fried Rice

Stir-fry the ham until fragrant, add cucumber, and green vegetable cubes with a pinch of salt.

Steps for Cooking Leftover Battle - Colorful Fried Rice

Stir-fry the rice until slightly crispy.

Steps for Cooking Leftover Battle - Colorful Fried Rice

Add the pig’s feet soup cake, stir well.

Steps for Cooking Leftover Battle - Colorful Fried Rice

Add the seasoning and stir-fry.

Steps for Cooking Leftover Battle - Colorful Fried Rice

Cover and simmer for a while, and the fried rice is ready!