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Lemon Layer Toast

Lemon Layer Toast

High-gluten flour: 300g; Eggs: 40g; Sugar: 40g; Milk: 60g; Water: 80g; Salt: 3g; Yeast: 4g; Butter: 25g.

2 lemons; 1 orange; Melted butter: appropriate amount; Sugar: appropriate amount.

Taste: Sweet; Process: Baking; Time: 10 minutes; Difficulty: Normal.

Steps for making Lemon Layer Toast

Steps for making Lemon Layer Toast

Put all the dough ingredients except butter into the bread machine in the order of liquid ingredients and then powder ingredients.

Steps for making Lemon Layer Toast

Select the custom kneading program for 20 minutes. Add butter after 20 minutes.

Steps for making Lemon Layer Toast

Select another custom program for 20 minutes until the dough is fully kneaded. A large piece of film can be pulled out after kneading.

Steps for making Lemon Layer Toast

During the kneading process, grind the surface of the lemon and orange, try not to grind the white layer inside, and mix the skin for later use. Melt the butter.

Steps for making Lemon Layer Toast

Divide the kneaded dough into five equal parts, roll them into balls, and let them rest for 15 minutes.

Steps for making Lemon Layer Toast

After resting, press the dough to release the air, roll it into a rectangle, brush the surface with a layer of melted butter, sprinkle a thin layer of sugar, and then spread a layer of lemon and orange peel.

Steps for making Lemon Layer Toast

Then layer another piece of dough on top, and repeat until the fifth layer. Brush the surface of the fifth layer with melted butter and lemon and orange peel.

Steps for making Lemon Layer Toast

Cut the dough into five equal parts with a knife.

Steps for making Lemon Layer Toast

Place the cut side up and neatly arrange them in the bread bucket. (See detailed picture for specific method)

Steps for making Lemon Layer Toast

Select the 17 low-temperature fermentation function of the bread machine and let it ferment automatically.

Steps for making Lemon Layer Toast

Ferment until the bread bucket is about 70% full. It took 1 hour and 22 minutes for my bread to ferment.

Steps for making Lemon Layer Toast

Select the baking program, set the color to light, and bake for 45 minutes. Brush the surface of the dough with beaten egg.

Steps for making Lemon Layer Toast

Bake for 45 minutes, and then take out the bread and let it cool on a baking rack before serving.

Steps for making Lemon Layer Toast

This kind of toast must be torn and eaten!