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Little Chicken Family

Little Chicken Family

Main Ingredients:
Carrot: 1; Lettuce: 1; Quail eggs: 3-5; Vegetable noodles: 100g; Shiitake mushrooms: 3; Minced meat: appropriate amount.

Walnut oil: a little; Salt: a little; Soy sauce: appropriate amount.

Flavor: Original; Cooking Method: Boiling; Time: Half an hour; Difficulty: Ordinary.

Little Chicken Family Cooking Steps

Little Chicken Family Cooking Steps

Ingredients needed: lettuce, carrot, quail eggs, shiitake mushrooms, minced meat, vegetable noodles, salt, soy sauce, and walnut oil.

Little Chicken Family Cooking Steps

First, boil the quail eggs and soak them in cold water after cooking. Peel and set aside.

Little Chicken Family Cooking Steps

Cook the vegetable noodles until they are about 80-90% done.

Little Chicken Family Cooking Steps

Take out the cooked noodles and mix them with a little walnut oil to prevent sticking. Set aside. The minced meat can be marinated with a little cooking wine and seasoned with a little pepper.

Little Chicken Family Cooking Steps

Put the cooked noodles in the pan and let them simmer for a while until they are cooked. Heat the pan, add oil, stir-fry the minced meat, add soy sauce and salt to taste.

Little Chicken Family Cooking Steps

Take a bowl, arrange a circle of lettuce, put the noodles in the middle, and use chopsticks to shape it into a nest with a hollow in the middle.

Little Chicken Family Cooking Steps

Cut the carrot into slices and carefully carve out the crown and beak of the little chicken baby with a knife. Use a mold to imprint flowers. This step requires patience.

Little Chicken Family Cooking Steps

Place the crown and beak of the little chicken, use toothpicks to stick black sesame seeds as eyes, and cut a slit at the tip of the quail egg and in the middle.

Little Chicken Family Cooking Steps

…The cute little chicken baby will make even picky eaters want to dig in.