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Longevity Peach

Longevity Peach

Main ingredients:
Flour: appropriate amount; Red bean paste: appropriate amount; Matcha powder: appropriate amount.

Auxiliary materials:
Yeast: appropriate amount.

Taste: sweet; Cooking method: steaming; Time-consuming: several hours; Difficulty: simple.

Detailed steps for cooking Longevity Peach

Steps for making Longevity Peach

Knead flour and yeast into dough, add matcha powder to make green dough, and let it rise until it doubles in size.

Steps for making Longevity Peach

Cut into equal small pieces.

Steps for making Longevity Peach

Roll into round dough pieces.

Steps for making Longevity Peach

Wrap in red bean paste filling.

Steps for making Longevity Peach

First roll into a round shape.

Steps for making Longevity Peach

Then make a point on the top.

Steps for making Longevity Peach

Use a tool to press the peach pattern on the side.

Steps for making Longevity Peach

Divide the green dough into small pieces, and shape them into a pointed jujube shape with both ends by hand.

Steps for making Longevity Peach

Flatten the jujube-shaped dough.

Steps for making Longevity Peach

Roll it into a thin sheet like a leaf, and use a dining knife to carve the veins of the leaf.

Steps for making Longevity Peach

Moisten the side of the peach leaf without patterns with a little water, and stick them on the Longevity Peach one by one from bottom to top. Cover the Longevity Peach dough with a damp cloth and let it rest for 20 minutes. Steam on high heat for 15 minutes.