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Mango Sakura Mousse – No Bake Version

Mango Sakura Mousse - No Bake Version

Main Ingredients:
Whipping Cream: 300g; Oat Digestive Biscuits: 200g; Granulated Sugar: 50g; Purified Water: 250g; Gelatin Sheets: 15g; Salted Sakura Flowers: 5 pieces.

Additional Ingredients:
Mango Puree: 300g; Butter: 60g; Fresh Milk: 50g; Condensed Milk: 20g; Gelatin Powder: 15g.

Mango Sakura Mousse - No Bake Version

Mango Sakura Mousse - No Bake Version

Taste: Sweet; Technique: Other; Time: Several Hours; Difficulty: Easy.

Steps for Making Mango Sakura Mousse – No Bake Version

Steps for Making Mango Sakura Mousse - No Bake Version

1. Prepare all the ingredients in advance to avoid confusion.

Steps for Making Mango Sakura Mousse - No Bake Version

Crush the oat digestive biscuits in a plastic bag with a rolling pin.

Steps for Making Mango Sakura Mousse - No Bake Version

Cut the butter into small pieces and melt it in a bowl over a double boiler or in the microwave.

Steps for Making Mango Sakura Mousse - No Bake Version

Mix the melted butter and crushed biscuits together.

Steps for Making Mango Sakura Mousse - No Bake Version

Press the mixture into the bottom of an 8-inch cake mold and refrigerate for half an hour.

Steps for Making Mango Sakura Mousse - No Bake Version

Soak the gelatin sheets in cold water until softened.

Steps for Making Mango Sakura Mousse - No Bake Version

Heat 50g of milk in a small saucepan and add the softened gelatin sheets. Heat over low heat until the gelatin sheets are completely dissolved. Let it cool.

Steps for Making Mango Sakura Mousse - No Bake Version

Puree the mangoes in a blender.

Steps for Making Mango Sakura Mousse - No Bake Version

Mix the gelatin mixture with the mango puree.

Steps for Making Mango Sakura Mousse - No Bake Version

Whip the whipping cream with 20g of condensed milk and 20g of granulated sugar until it forms soft peaks.

Steps for Making Mango Sakura Mousse - No Bake Version

Add the whipped cream to the mango mixture and mix well.

Steps for Making Mango Sakura Mousse - No Bake Version

Pour the mixture into the cake mold and refrigerate for at least 2 hours.

Steps for Making Mango Sakura Mousse - No Bake Version

Soak the salted sakura flowers in warm water to remove the salt.

Steps for Making Mango Sakura Mousse - No Bake Version

Heat 250g of purified water with 30g of granulated sugar and 15g of gelatin powder over low heat until the sugar and gelatin powder are completely dissolved. Let it cool.

Steps for Making Mango Sakura Mousse - No Bake Version

Pour the cooled gelatin mixture over the mango mousse in the cake mold. Arrange the sakura flowers on top. Refrigerate for at least 4 hours.

Steps for Making Mango Sakura Mousse - No Bake Version

Remove the cake from the mold by gently pushing it up from the bottom. Enjoy!

Steps for Making Mango Sakura Mousse - No Bake Version

Finished Product