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Mango Yogurt Jelly

Mango Yogurt Jelly

Main Ingredients:
Mango: 3; Yogurt: 600ml; Whipping Cream: 50ml; Granulated Sugar: 40g.

Auxiliary Materials:
Gelatin Powder: 15g.

Taste: Sweet and Sour; Technique: Skillful; Time: Several Hours; Difficulty: Moderate.

Detailed Steps for Making Mango Yogurt Jelly

Steps for Making Mango Yogurt Jelly

Prepare the ingredients. Peel and remove the pit from the mangoes. The weight of the mango flesh is about 400g. Use 3 boxes of yogurt, a total of 600ml. Use 500ml to make the jelly and 100ml to mix with the mango pulp.

Steps for Making Mango Yogurt Jelly

Soak 7.5g of gelatin powder in 22g of cold water in a small bowl. The ratio of gelatin powder to water is generally 1:3. It will be soaked in a few minutes at room temperature.

Steps for Making Mango Yogurt Jelly

After 5 minutes, it will become a gel-like substance.

Steps for Making Mango Yogurt Jelly

Put the mango pulp and 100g of yogurt in a food processor and blend until smooth. I feel that 100g of yogurt is a bit too much. The mango pulp does not solidify easily. Next time, I will reduce the amount of yogurt. The thicker the pulp, the faster it will solidify.

Steps for Making Mango Yogurt Jelly

Heat the soaked gelatin powder in a double boiler, stirring with chopsticks while heating. It will become liquid in about half a minute. Take it out immediately, do not overheat it, as the gelatin powder will lose its effectiveness if the temperature is too high.

Steps for Making Mango Yogurt Jelly

Heat the mango pulp in a microwave for a short time. Do not overheat it. It should be warm to the touch. The main purpose is to mix the gelatin powder. I microwaved it for one and a half minutes. The time may vary depending on the amount of pulp and the microwave power. Add 20g of granulated sugar and the liquefied gelatin powder to the mango pulp and mix well.

Steps for Making Mango Yogurt Jelly

After mixing the mango pulp, let it cool and pour it into a glass. Find a suitable container to tilt the glass at a 45-degree angle and put it in the refrigerator to cool. I used an egg tray, but a muffin tin can also be used. If you can’t find a suitable container, just lay it flat. The finished product will have distinct layers. The jelly needs to be refrigerated for at least two hours, depending on how solid the mango pulp is.

Steps for Making Mango Yogurt Jelly

After the mango pulp has solidified, repeat steps 2, 3, and 5. Soak another 7.5g of gelatin powder and liquefy it. Heat 500g of yogurt in a microwave and add 20g of granulated sugar, 50g of whipping cream, and the gelatin powder. (The temperature for heating the yogurt is the same as for the mango pulp. Do not overheat it.)

Steps for Making Mango Yogurt Jelly

After mixing the yogurt, let it cool and pour it into the glass. It takes about four hours to solidify. I usually make it the day before and let it solidify overnight for the best results.

Steps for Making Mango Yogurt Jelly

You can eat it the next day. It solidifies well and has distinct layers. Add some mango pieces for decoration. I also added cranberries and mint leaves for a beautiful presentation.