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Maple Syrup

Maple syrup, made from the sap of sugar maple trees in Canada, is one of the most famous specialties in Canada due to its high sugar content. Currently, 70% of maple syrup products in the world are concentrated in Quebec. This sweet and fragrant syrup is rich in minerals and is a unique and natural nutritious food that is said to be good for beauty and popular among people.

Nutritional Value

Maple syrup contains rich minerals and organic acids, and has lower calories than other sugars such as cane sugar, fructose, and corn syrup. However, its calcium, magnesium, and organic acid content is much higher than other sugars, which can supplement the nutrition of weak and unbalanced bodies. The sweetness of maple syrup is not as high as honey, and its sugar content is about 66% (honey contains about 79%-81% sugar, while sugar is as high as 99.4%).

Benefits of Consumption

Moisturizing: It can moisturize the throat and relieve dryness, making people feel refreshed and comfortable. It is suitable for people with dry mouth, dry eyes, excessive thinking, lack of sleep, and excessive talking.
Lubricating the intestines: It can lubricate the intestines and stimulate bowel movements.
Moisturizing the lungs: It can nourish yin and moisturize the lungs, and remove lung dryness and heat, making people breathe smoothly and comfortably.

Applicable Population

It is suitable for the general population to consume.


Diabetics are prohibited from consuming it.

Purchasing Tips

According to the regulations of the Canadian federal government, maple syrup can be divided into three grades based on color, transparency, and taste. The highest grade has a strong maple flavor and is most suitable for direct consumption; the second grade has a slightly worse taste and is amber in color; the third grade has the darkest color and is suitable as a food additive.