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Maple Walnut Toast

Maple Walnut Toast

Gold Hill Japanese Toast Flour: 250g; Dry Yeast: 2.5g; Salt: 3g; Milk Powder: 10g; Water: 135g; Maple Syrup: 50g.

Additional Ingredients:
Butter: 20g; Walnut: 50g.

Maple Walnut Toast

Taste: Sweet; Technique: Baking; Time: Several hours; Difficulty: Unknown.

Detailed Steps for Cooking Maple Walnut Toast

Steps for Making Maple Walnut Toast

Prepare all the ingredients, soften the butter, and if the walnuts are not crispy, bake them in the oven at 170 degrees for a few minutes in advance.

Steps for Making Maple Walnut Toast

Put all the ingredients except butter and walnuts into the bread machine and knead the dough.

Steps for Making Maple Walnut Toast

Add the softened butter and continue kneading until fully developed, then cover the dough with plastic wrap.

Steps for Making Maple Walnut Toast

Add chopped walnuts and knead evenly.

Steps for Making Maple Walnut Toast

Roll the dough into a ball and let it ferment for about 40 minutes until it doubles in size.

Steps for Making Maple Walnut Toast

Divide the dough into 2 parts, roll them into balls, and let them rest for 15 minutes.

Steps for Making Maple Walnut Toast

Roll the dough into an oval shape and flip it over.

Steps for Making Maple Walnut Toast

Fold the left and right sides to the middle, press down the bottom edge.

Steps for Making Maple Walnut Toast

Roll up from top to bottom and seal the edges tightly.

Steps for Making Maple Walnut Toast

Put the dough into the 450g toast box and let it ferment again.

Steps for Making Maple Walnut Toast

Start the fermentation mode of the oven, put the toast box in, and let it ferment again.

Steps for Making Maple Walnut Toast

When it is 90% fermented, preheat the oven to 180 degrees and bake for about 35 minutes. Cover with tin foil in time to prevent over-browning.

Steps for Making Maple Walnut Toast

Take it out of the oven, let it cool, and brush the surface with melted butter for a better look.