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Matcha Lotus Seed Paste Pastry

Matcha Lotus Seed Paste Pastry

Low-gluten flour: 150g; Fine sugar: 30g; Lard: 30g; Salad oil: 15g; Water: 60g.

Oil paste:
Low-gluten flour: 100g; Matcha powder: 5g; Lard: 40g; Salad oil: 10g; Lotus seed paste: 200g.

Taste: Sweet; Technique: Baking; Time-consuming: Several hours; Difficulty: Moderate.

Steps for Making Matcha Lotus Seed Paste Pastry

Steps for Making Matcha Lotus Seed Paste Pastry

Pastry: Form a flour wall with low-gluten flour, and put fine sugar, lard, salad oil, and water in the middle of the flour wall. Knead the dough slowly.

Steps for Making Matcha Lotus Seed Paste Pastry

Pastry: Knead the dough until it becomes smooth and shiny. Continue to knead for 5 minutes to increase the gluten of the low-gluten flour. If using medium-gluten flour, this step can be skipped.

Steps for Making Matcha Lotus Seed Paste Pastry

Pastry: Cover with plastic wrap/moist cloth and let it rest for 20 minutes.

Steps for Making Matcha Lotus Seed Paste Pastry

Oil paste: Form a flour wall with low-gluten flour, and put matcha powder, lard, and salad oil in the middle of the flour wall. Knead the dough slowly.

Steps for Making Matcha Lotus Seed Paste Pastry

Oil paste: Knead the dough until it becomes smooth and shiny.

Steps for Making Matcha Lotus Seed Paste Pastry

Oil paste: Cover with plastic wrap/moist cloth and let it rest for 20 minutes.

Steps for Making Matcha Lotus Seed Paste Pastry

Filling: While the dough is resting, divide the filling into 20 portions, 10g each, and roll them into balls.

Steps for Making Matcha Lotus Seed Paste Pastry

After resting, roll out the pastry into a circle and place the oil paste in the middle.

Steps for Making Matcha Lotus Seed Paste Pastry

Wrap the pastry around the oil paste and seal it to form a large dough.

Steps for Making Matcha Lotus Seed Paste Pastry

Roll out the dough into a rectangle.

Steps for Making Matcha Lotus Seed Paste Pastry

Fold the dough like a quilt, folding the top and bottom sides to the middle.

Steps for Making Matcha Lotus Seed Paste Pastry

Then fold it in half.

Steps for Making Matcha Lotus Seed Paste Pastry

Continue to fold it two more times. After the third fold, let the dough rest for 20 minutes.

Steps for Making Matcha Lotus Seed Paste Pastry

After resting, roll out the dough into a rectangle.

Steps for Making Matcha Lotus Seed Paste Pastry

Roll it into a cylinder from left to right.

Steps for Making Matcha Lotus Seed Paste Pastry

Cut the cylinder into 20 small doughs. After cutting, the clear pattern can be seen, which is very beautiful.

Steps for Making Matcha Lotus Seed Paste Pastry

Flatten the small doughs, place the filling in the center of the circular pattern, and seal it with your palm to shape it. Place the sealed side down on the table, gently rotate the dough with both hands, and press it lightly towards the bottom to complete the second shaping.

Steps for Making Matcha Lotus Seed Paste Pastry

After the second shaping, the dough will become round and plump, which is more beautiful. Place it on a baking sheet.

Steps for Making Matcha Lotus Seed Paste Pastry

Preheat the oven to 170 degrees, middle layer, upper and lower heat, bake for 15 minutes; 150 degrees, bake for 10 minutes; the finished product is out of the oven.

Steps for Making Matcha Lotus Seed Paste Pastry


Steps for Making Matcha Lotus Seed Paste Pastry

The finished product.