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Matcha Pastry

Matcha Pastry

Water-oil dough:
Flour: 72g; lard: 27g; water: 30g; powdered sugar: 15g.

Red bean paste: 200g; honey beans: 80g.

Oil dough:
Flour: 54g; lard: 33g; green tea powder: 8g (matcha powder).

Matcha Pastry

Matcha Pastry

Taste: Sweet; Technique: Baking; Time-consuming: Several hours; Difficulty: Easy.

Steps to Make Matcha Pastry

Steps to Make Matcha Pastry

Mix all the ingredients for the water-oil dough and knead until the dough is smooth and the surface is covered with plastic wrap. Let it sit for half an hour.

Steps to Make Matcha Pastry

Mix all the ingredients for the oil dough and knead into a dough.

Steps to Make Matcha Pastry

Divide the red bean paste into 25g portions and the honey beans into 10g portions. Wrap each 25g portion of red bean paste around 10g of honey beans and set aside.

Steps to Make Matcha Pastry

Roll out the water-oil dough and the oil dough into rectangular shapes, with the water-oil dough being twice the size of the oil dough. Place the oil dough in the middle of the water-oil dough and fold the sides of the water-oil dough over the oil dough.

Steps to Make Matcha Pastry

Roll out the dough evenly with the sealed side facing up.

Steps to Make Matcha Pastry

Fold the dough and wrap it in plastic wrap. Let it rest for 10 minutes.

Steps to Make Matcha Pastry

Roll out the dough again and fold it. Let it rest for another 10 minutes.

Steps to Make Matcha Pastry

Roll out the dough into a larger rectangular shape.

Steps to Make Matcha Pastry

Roll the dough into a long strip.

Steps to Make Matcha Pastry

Cut the dough into 30g portions or divide it into 8 equal portions.

Steps to Make Matcha Pastry

Roll out each portion into a circle with the better side facing down. Place the red bean paste filling in the center and pinch the bottom closed. Bake in the oven at 180 degrees for 25-30 minutes.