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Matsutake Rice

Main ingredients:
White rice: 170 g; Matsutake mushrooms: 40 g; Broth: 180 g (or water).

Japanese soy sauce: 1/2 tablespoon (or light soy sauce); Salt: 1/2 teaspoon.

Taste: Salty and sweet; Cooking method: Other; Time: One hour; Difficulty: Easy.

Steps to Cook Matsutake Rice

Rinse the white rice and soak it for at least 20 minutes.

Remove the root and dirt from the surface of the matsutake mushrooms with a knife. Wipe the surface with a damp kitchen paper towel. (If you are really worried, rinse off the dirt on the surface under running water and dry it.)

Tear the matsutake mushrooms into bite-sized pieces by hand.

Drain the soaked white rice, add broth (or water), Japanese soy sauce, and salt, and mix lightly. Then spread the matsutake mushrooms on top, put it in a rice cooker, and cook it according to the normal procedure.

Turn the cooked matsutake rice over with a rice paddle, cover it with a lid, and let it steam for 5 minutes.

The served matsutake rice can be garnished with a little duck parsley or scallions.