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Milk-flavored Thousand-layer Mini Bread

Milk-flavored Thousand-layer Mini Bread

Main ingredients:
Golden Wheat Flour: 250g; Granulated Sugar: 25g; Yeast: 2.5g; Water: 140g; Butter: 20g; Milk Powder: 10g.

Auxiliary ingredients:
Butter: 30g (for spreading); Powdered Sugar: 10g (for decoration).

Milk-flavored Thousand-layer Mini Bread

Taste: Sweet; Technique: Baking; Time: One hour; Difficulty: Advanced.

Detailed Steps for Cooking Milk-flavored Thousand-layer Mini Bread

Steps for Making Milk-flavored Thousand-layer Mini Bread

Put all the main ingredients except for the butter into a bread bucket and knead the dough until it forms a film. Then add the butter and continue kneading until it reaches the complete stage and can be stretched into a thin film.

Steps for Making Milk-flavored Thousand-layer Mini Bread

The dough should feel soft to the touch.

Steps for Making Milk-flavored Thousand-layer Mini Bread

Put the kneaded dough into a cooking basin, spread a layer of water on the surface, cover it, and let it ferment for the first time in the sun. The first fermentation takes about 20 minutes. The dough does not need to be over-fermented, just slightly fermented.

Steps for Making Milk-flavored Thousand-layer Mini Bread

Take out the dough, exhaust it, and divide it into small portions, each about 115g.

Steps for Making Milk-flavored Thousand-layer Mini Bread

Take a small piece of dough and roll it into a very thin rectangular shape.

Steps for Making Milk-flavored Thousand-layer Mini Bread

Spread a thin layer of softened butter on the surface.

Steps for Making Milk-flavored Thousand-layer Mini Bread

Roll it up along the short side, not too tightly, gently press it with your hands while rolling to remove the air inside.

Steps for Making Milk-flavored Thousand-layer Mini Bread

Roll the dough up and down first, then roll it left and right.

Steps for Making Milk-flavored Thousand-layer Mini Bread

Cut it vertically from the middle.

Steps for Making Milk-flavored Thousand-layer Mini Bread

Roll it up.

Steps for Making Milk-flavored Thousand-layer Mini Bread

Put it in the mold for the second fermentation.

Steps for Making Milk-flavored Thousand-layer Mini Bread

I put it in the oven for fermentation at room temperature. This is what it looks like after fermentation, about 1.5 times the original size.

Steps for Making Milk-flavored Thousand-layer Mini Bread

Preheat the oven in advance, place the mold on the middle layer, bake at 180 degrees for about 20 minutes with hot air.

Steps for Making Milk-flavored Thousand-layer Mini Bread

After the bread cools, sprinkle some powdered sugar on the surface.

Steps for Making Milk-flavored Thousand-layer Mini Bread

It is crispy on the outside and soft on the inside, and very popular.

Steps for Making Milk-flavored Thousand-layer Mini Bread

Try making this non-puff pastry Thousand-layer Mini Bread!

Steps for Making Milk-flavored Thousand-layer Mini Bread

This amount of dough can make about eight mini breads. Compared with puff pastry, this method uses much less butter, but the taste is equally good.