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Mixed Grain and Nut European Bread

Mixed Grain and Nut European Bread

High-gluten flour: 180g; Whole wheat flour: 20g; Buckwheat flour: 30g; Water: 135g; Cocoa powder: 5g; Granulated sugar: 30g; Fresh yeast: 9g; Salt: 3g; Butter: 15g.

Mixed nuts: 100g (walnuts, almonds, pistachios, dried cranberries, dried cherries).

Mixed Grain and Nut European Bread

Mixed Grain and Nut European Bread

Mixed Grain and Nut European Bread

Flavor: Original; Process: Baking; Time: Several hours; Difficulty: Moderate.

Detailed Steps for Making Mixed Grain and Nut European Bread

Steps for Making Mixed Grain and Nut European Bread

Put all the main ingredients (except butter and salt) into the chef’s machine bowl.

Steps for Making Mixed Grain and Nut European Bread

Knead for about 10 minutes, then add salt and softened butter and continue kneading.

Steps for Making Mixed Grain and Nut European Bread

Knead until the dough is elastic.

Steps for Making Mixed Grain and Nut European Bread

Add the nuts and knead briefly (just mix the nuts into the dough, don’t knead for too long).

Steps for Making Mixed Grain and Nut European Bread

Cover the kneaded dough with plastic wrap and let it rise.

Steps for Making Mixed Grain and Nut European Bread

After about 40 minutes, poke a hole in the dough with your finger and it won’t shrink or collapse if it’s risen properly.

Steps for Making Mixed Grain and Nut European Bread

Divide the dough into 3 equal parts, knead them into balls, cover them with plastic wrap, and let them rest for 15 minutes.

Steps for Making Mixed Grain and Nut European Bread

Take one piece of dough and roll it into a tongue shape.

Steps for Making Mixed Grain and Nut European Bread

Roll it into a long strip and pinch the seam tightly.

Steps for Making Mixed Grain and Nut European Bread

Place it in a shallow 12-inch baking pan and let it rise again.

Steps for Making Mixed Grain and Nut European Bread

After about 50 minutes, gently press the dough with your finger and it will slowly bounce back if it’s risen properly.

Steps for Making Mixed Grain and Nut European Bread

Sprinkle some high-gluten flour on top and use a blade to make a few cuts in the dough.

Steps for Making Mixed Grain and Nut European Bread

Preheat the upper and lower tubes of the Langdi Xuancai CRTF32WBL oven to 200 degrees Celsius for 10 minutes, then bake at 200 degrees Celsius for 10 minutes, and then at 180 degrees Celsius for 15 minutes.