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Mom’s Brand Donkey-hide Gelatin Cake

Mom's Brand Donkey-hide Gelatin Cake

Main Ingredients:
Donkey-hide gelatin: 250g; Red dates: 250g; Longan: 100g; Goji berries: 250g; Sesame: 250g; Walnuts: 250g.

Auxiliary Ingredients:
Rock sugar: 250g; Yellow wine: 500ml.

Mom's Brand Donkey-hide Gelatin Cake

Taste: Sweet; Cooking Method: Boiling; Time-consuming: Several days; Difficulty: Simple.

Detailed Steps for Cooking Mom’s Brand Donkey-hide Gelatin Cake

Steps for Making Mom's Brand Donkey-hide Gelatin Cake

The donkey-hide gelatin bought from the hospital costs over 1,000 yuan for 250g. Wrap the donkey-hide gelatin in a cloth and crush it with the back of a knife.

Steps for Making Mom's Brand Donkey-hide Gelatin Cake

Prepare the yellow wine in advance.

Steps for Making Mom's Brand Donkey-hide Gelatin Cake

Soak the donkey-hide gelatin in 500ml of yellow wine for 24 hours, and seal it with plastic wrap to prevent alcohol from evaporating.

Steps for Making Mom's Brand Donkey-hide Gelatin Cake

During this period, keep stirring constantly because the donkey-hide gelatin will stick to the bowl. Only when the donkey-hide gelatin is completely dissolved can you start to cook it to ensure its effectiveness.

Steps for Making Mom's Brand Donkey-hide Gelatin Cake

Roast the sesame seeds until they are slightly fragrant and turn off the heat to prevent them from burning.

Steps for Making Mom's Brand Donkey-hide Gelatin Cake

Roast the walnuts in the same way, using medium-low heat to avoid burning them.

Steps for Making Mom's Brand Donkey-hide Gelatin Cake

Next, prepare the longan, goji berries, and red dates that have been weighed. Try to cut these ingredients into small pieces to save effort when slicing later.

Steps for Making Mom's Brand Donkey-hide Gelatin Cake

Same as above.

Steps for Making Mom's Brand Donkey-hide Gelatin Cake

Same as above.

Steps for Making Mom's Brand Donkey-hide Gelatin Cake

When the donkey-hide gelatin is completely dissolved, you can start cooking it. Note: when cooking the donkey-hide gelatin, use a stainless steel or ceramic pot, not an iron or aluminum alloy pot, and use a larger pot to make it easier to stir. First, add about 150ml of yellow wine, bring it to a boil, and then add the soaked donkey-hide gelatin. Use medium-low heat, and my mother always uses low heat. Stir constantly with a wooden spoon.

Steps for Making Mom's Brand Donkey-hide Gelatin Cake

When the pot starts to bubble, increase the stirring speed because it is very easy to burn.

Steps for Making Mom's Brand Donkey-hide Gelatin Cake

When the spatula is coated with a layer of donkey-hide gelatin, it means it is ready. It feels so accomplished! Then, add the goji berries, red dates, longan, walnuts, and sesame seeds in order. Add one ingredient at a time and mix well before adding the next one. Remember to add the walnuts second to last, so they are crispy. Add the sesame seeds last. If you add them first, you won’t be able to stir the mixture. Stir until everything is well mixed and then transfer the mixture to a plate. Keep stirring while transferring to keep the pot hot and prevent sticking.

Steps for Making Mom's Brand Donkey-hide Gelatin Cake

I used a baking tray with non-stick paper on top, brushed with sesame oil (so it won’t stick), and quickly pressed the donkey-hide gelatin cake tightly while it was still hot. Don’t hesitate or it will be difficult to press.

Steps for Making Mom's Brand Donkey-hide Gelatin Cake

Same as above.

Steps for Making Mom's Brand Donkey-hide Gelatin Cake

Look at my mother’s chubby hands, haha!

Steps for Making Mom's Brand Donkey-hide Gelatin Cake

After pressing, it looks like this. Cover it with plastic wrap or kitchen paper and let it cool on the balcony. At this temperature, it will be completely cooled overnight.

Steps for Making Mom's Brand Donkey-hide Gelatin Cake

You can slice it the next day, which is a laborious task because it is very hard. We added too many ingredients, haha!

Steps for Making Mom's Brand Donkey-hide Gelatin Cake

After slicing, wrap it in this glutinous rice paper, put it in a vacuum-sealed bag for biscuits, and seal it with a sealing machine. It can be stored for a long time, just like making biscuits. You can take a small bag to eat every day in the future.

Steps for Making Mom's Brand Donkey-hide Gelatin Cake

You can buy these ingredients very cheaply on Taobao, and we will make it every year from now on and keep some in stock.

Steps for Making Mom's Brand Donkey-hide Gelatin Cake

Same as above.

Steps for Making Mom's Brand Donkey-hide Gelatin Cake

Same as above.

Steps for Making Mom's Brand Donkey-hide Gelatin Cake

Same as above.

Steps for Making Mom's Brand Donkey-hide Gelatin Cake

The finished product!!!