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Mugwort Cake

Mugwort Cake

Main Ingredients:
Mugwort Leaves: 150g.

Additional Ingredients:
Glutinous Rice Flour: Appropriate amount; Roasted Peanuts: Appropriate amount; Roasted Sesame Seeds: Appropriate amount; Granulated Sugar: Appropriate amount.

Flavor: Sweet and Fragrant; Cooking Method: Steaming; Time: Half an Hour; Difficulty: Simple.

Steps to Make Mugwort Cake

Steps to Make Mugwort Cake

Pick fresh mugwort leaves and remove the old leaves. Wash them and blanch them in boiling water. After removing them, let them cool and blend them in a juicer until they are crushed.

Steps to Make Mugwort Cake

Crush the roasted peanuts and roasted sesame seeds and mix them with granulated sugar. Pour the mugwort juice into the glutinous rice flour and knead it into a dough. Wrap the filling inside the dough. You can apply a little oil on your hands to make the dough more adhesive.

Steps to Make Mugwort Cake

After the water in the steamer boils, put the cake in and steam it over high heat for fifteen minutes. Turn off the heat and wait for five minutes before taking it out and putting it on a plate.