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Mushroom and Tofu Soup

Mushroom and Tofu Soup

Main Ingredients:
Soft Tofu: 1 block; White Enoki Mushroom: 100g; Shimeji Mushroom: 100g; Black Fungus: a small amount.

Auxiliary Ingredients:
Eggs: 2; Scallions: 2.

Salt: appropriate amount; White Pepper Powder: 1 tablespoon; Sesame Oil: 1 tablespoon.

Mushroom and Tofu Soup

Taste: Salty and Fresh; Cooking Method: Boiling; Time: 10 Minutes; Difficulty: Easy.

Detailed Steps for Cooking Mushroom and Tofu Soup

Steps for Cooking Mushroom and Tofu Soup

Prepare the ingredients: Soak the black fungus in advance, wash and cut the white enoki mushroom and shimeji mushroom into small pieces, and cut the tofu into small pieces (the tofu is pressed).

Steps for Cooking Mushroom and Tofu Soup

Boil water in a pot, add all the mushrooms.

Steps for Cooking Mushroom and Tofu Soup

Boil again, add the tofu.

Steps for Cooking Mushroom and Tofu Soup

Beat two eggs, boil and pour in the egg mixture.

Steps for Cooking Mushroom and Tofu Soup

Add salt and white pepper powder to season.

Steps for Cooking Mushroom and Tofu Soup

Sprinkle with scallions and add a spoonful of sesame oil.

Steps for Cooking Mushroom and Tofu Soup

Ready to serve.