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Nutritious Breakfast

Nutritious Breakfast

Rice: 1 cup; Carrots: 1/2; Peas: a handful; Corn kernels: a handful; Beef sausage: 1; Eggs: 2; Cooking wine: a little.

Salt: appropriate amount; Ginger: 2 slices; Dark soy sauce: 1/2 tablespoon; Light soy sauce: 1/2 tablespoon; Peanut oil: 1 teaspoon.

Nutritious Breakfast

Nutritious Breakfast

Nutritious Breakfast

Nutritious Breakfast

Taste: Salty and fresh; Cooking method: Steaming; Time: Half an hour; Difficulty: Ordinary.

Detailed steps for cooking Nutritious Breakfast

Steps for making Nutritious Breakfast

Wash the Northeast rice and soak it in clean water for 15 minutes. The ratio of rice to water is about 1:1.2.

Steps for making Nutritious Breakfast

Shell the peas, cut the carrots into small cubes, add an appropriate amount of corn kernels and diced beef sausage, and set aside.

Steps for making Nutritious Breakfast

Put the soaked rice and water into a suitable container. Add the carrots, peas, corn, beef sausage, a small amount of ginger, 1/2 tablespoon of dark soy sauce, 1/2 tablespoon of light soy sauce, a few drops of vegetable oil, and mix well.

Steps for making Nutritious Breakfast

Crack two eggs into a bowl, add a pinch of salt, and a teaspoon of cooking wine. Stir well with chopsticks.

Steps for making Nutritious Breakfast

Add an appropriate amount of water to the egg mixture. The amount of water is about 1.5 times the weight of the egg mixture. For example, if two eggs weigh 100 grams, the amount of water is 150 grams.

Steps for making Nutritious Breakfast

Use a stainless steel spoon to skim off the foam on the surface. This step is very important, so that the steamed egg custard will be delicate and without pores.

Steps for making Nutritious Breakfast

Then pour the well-mixed egg mixture into small bowls. Of course, you can also use the same bowl as before.

Steps for making Nutritious Breakfast

Inject an appropriate amount of clean water into the steamer.

Steps for making Nutritious Breakfast

Place the rice plate on the lower layer of the steamer.

Steps for making Nutritious Breakfast

Place the egg bowl and corn on the upper layer of the steamer. The space is really big, even if you put so many things, there is still a lot of space left.

Steps for making Nutritious Breakfast

Cover the lid and turn the timer knob to 15 minutes. This time is for steaming the egg custard, and the rice needs to be steamed for a little longer.

Steps for making Nutritious Breakfast

Steam will come out in 10 seconds, and the speed of the steam is very fast.

Steps for making Nutritious Breakfast

After 15 minutes, remove the corn and egg custard, and continue to steam the rice for another 15 minutes.

Steps for making Nutritious Breakfast

After removing the egg custard, add a little light soy sauce and a few drops of sesame oil, and it’s ready to eat. It’s fresh, tender, and smooth, and melts in your mouth.

Steps for making Nutritious Breakfast

The steamed rice is ready to eat after mixing it up. The rice grains are distinct, chewy, and not sticky, and the taste is better than boiled rice.

Steps for making Nutritious Breakfast

Yellow corn and eggs are rich in lutein, which is good for protecting vision and preventing myopia. A nutritious breakfast that can be made in one steamer, isn’t it particularly simple? It looks good, tastes good, and is easy to make. Have you learned it?