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Oreo Chocolate Cream Cake Roll

Oreo Chocolate Cream Cake Roll

Eggs: 4; Milk: 45g; Corn oil: 55g; Cocoa powder: 20g; Low-gluten flour: 50g; Granulated sugar: 60g; Lemon juice: 3 drops.

Whipping cream: 200g; Granulated sugar: 30g; Crushed Oreo cookies: appropriate amount.

Taste: Sweet; Process: Baking; Time: One hour; Difficulty: Normal.

Steps to Make Oreo Chocolate Cream Cake Roll

Steps to Make Oreo Chocolate Cream Cake Roll

Prepare two oil-free and water-free bowls.

Steps to Make Oreo Chocolate Cream Cake Roll

Separate egg whites and yolks.

Steps to Make Oreo Chocolate Cream Cake Roll

Add milk and corn oil to egg yolks, and stir well.

Steps to Make Oreo Chocolate Cream Cake Roll

Sift in cocoa powder and stir well.

Steps to Make Oreo Chocolate Cream Cake Roll

Sift in low-gluten flour and stir well. Set aside.

Steps to Make Oreo Chocolate Cream Cake Roll

Beat egg whites until large bubbles form, then beat at high speed while gradually adding granulated sugar.

Steps to Make Oreo Chocolate Cream Cake Roll

Beat until stiff peaks form.

Steps to Make Oreo Chocolate Cream Cake Roll

Add egg whites to cocoa batter in three portions, and fold evenly.

Steps to Make Oreo Chocolate Cream Cake Roll

The chocolate cake batter is ready.

Steps to Make Oreo Chocolate Cream Cake Roll

Pour the batter into a mold lined with high-temperature oil cloth, and tilt the mold to evenly distribute the batter. (Chocolate can cause the egg whites to deflate, so put it in the oven as soon as possible.)

Steps to Make Oreo Chocolate Cream Cake Roll

Preheat the oven to 180 degrees Celsius with upper and lower heat, and bake for 20 minutes (I usually preheat the oven to 220 degrees Celsius in advance. When I open the oven, the temperature will drop a little, which is about 180 degrees Celsius that I need).

Steps to Make Oreo Chocolate Cream Cake Roll

Remove from the oven and let cool on a rack.

Steps to Make Oreo Chocolate Cream Cake Roll

Transfer the cake to a cake paper.

Steps to Make Oreo Chocolate Cream Cake Roll

Add granulated sugar to the whipping cream and beat until moist foam forms.

Steps to Make Oreo Chocolate Cream Cake Roll

Spread the cream on the cake.

Steps to Make Oreo Chocolate Cream Cake Roll

Sprinkle with crushed Oreo cookies.

Steps to Make Oreo Chocolate Cream Cake Roll

Roll up the cake.

Steps to Make Oreo Chocolate Cream Cake Roll

There is plenty of cream.

Steps to Make Oreo Chocolate Cream Cake Roll

Tighten both sides and refrigerate for at least 30 minutes to set.

Steps to Make Oreo Chocolate Cream Cake Roll

Remove and cut into pieces.

Steps to Make Oreo Chocolate Cream Cake Roll

The cutting needs improvement, as there is always cream sticking to the sides.

Steps to Make Oreo Chocolate Cream Cake Roll

Rich chocolate flavor and crispy Oreo cookies.

Steps to Make Oreo Chocolate Cream Cake Roll

The cake is soft and fluffy.