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Pan-fried Sirloin Steak

Pan-fried Sirloin Steak

Main Ingredient:
Sirloin Steak: 1 piece.

Auxiliary Ingredient:
Cucumber: 1.

Salt: appropriate amount; Black pepper: appropriate amount.

Taste: Original; Cooking Method: Pan-fried; Time: 10 minutes; Difficulty: Advanced.

Detailed Steps for Pan-fried Sirloin Steak

Steps for Pan-fried Sirloin Steak

Thaw the sirloin steak in advance and set aside.

Steps for Pan-fried Sirloin Steak

Prepare the seasoning packet.

Steps for Pan-fried Sirloin Steak

Wash and cut the cucumber into chunks.

Steps for Pan-fried Sirloin Steak

Heat a non-stick pan with a little rice oil, fry the fat on the edge of the steak for a while, then fry both sides until golden brown.

Steps for Pan-fried Sirloin Steak

Add an appropriate amount of warm water and simmer for three minutes until fully cooked (personally prefer well-done).

Steps for Pan-fried Sirloin Steak

Serve on a plate and garnish with cucumber.

Steps for Pan-fried Sirloin Steak

Finished product.

Steps for Pan-fried Sirloin Steak

Pair with a glass of milk for a nutritious and delicious breakfast~