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Pan-fried Sirloin Steak

Pan-fried Sirloin Steak

Main Ingredients:
Sirloin steak: 1 piece.

Auxiliary Ingredients:
Lemon slices: a few; Black pepper sauce: appropriate amount.

Oil: a little.

Pan-fried Sirloin Steak

Pan-fried Sirloin Steak

Taste: Salty and fragrant; Cooking method: Pan-fried; Time: Ten minutes; Difficulty: Simple.

Detailed Steps for Cooking Pan-fried Sirloin Steak

Steps for Cooking Pan-fried Sirloin Steak

Thaw one piece of sirloin steak.

Steps for Cooking Pan-fried Sirloin Steak

Prepare lemon and black pepper sauce.

Steps for Cooking Pan-fried Sirloin Steak

Fry the steak with a little oil, turn over after 2 minutes.

Steps for Cooking Pan-fried Sirloin Steak

When done, cut and dip in black pepper sauce.