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Passion Fruit White Chocolate Macarons

Passion Fruit White Chocolate Macarons

TPT Part:
Almond Flour: 100g; Powdered Sugar: 100g; Egg Whites: 30-38g; Lemon Yellow Food Coloring: As needed; Royal Red Food Coloring: A little.

Sugar Water Part:
Granulated Sugar: 80g; Water: 25g.

Meringue Part:
Egg Whites: 38g; Granulated Sugar: 25g; Egg White Powder: 1g.

Filling Part:
Passion Fruit Puree: 85g; Glucose Syrup: 3.5g; White Chocolate: 80g; Light Cream: 3.5g.

Flavor: Sweet and Fragrant; Technique: Baking; Time: 45 minutes; Difficulty: Advanced.

Detailed Steps for Making Passion Fruit White Chocolate Macarons

Steps for Making Passion Fruit White Chocolate Macarons

Prepare all the ingredients needed.

Steps for Making Passion Fruit White Chocolate Macarons

Sift the powdered sugar and almond flour for the TPT part and mix well. Add the food coloring to the egg whites, mix well, and cover with flour.

Steps for Making Passion Fruit White Chocolate Macarons

Before preparing the meringue, cook the sugar water. Put the granulated sugar and water in a milk pot, and start heating when the thermometer is set to 120 degrees Celsius.

Steps for Making Passion Fruit White Chocolate Macarons

When the sugar water is heated to about 80 degrees Celsius, put the egg whites for the meringue in a silicone cup, and add the granulated sugar and egg white powder in three batches to beat until stiff peaks form.

Steps for Making Passion Fruit White Chocolate Macarons

Slowly and evenly pour the just-cooked sugar water into the meringue, and continue to beat at the highest speed until the meringue has clear lines and stiff peaks.

Steps for Making Passion Fruit White Chocolate Macarons

Combine the mixed flour, egg whites, and food coloring for the TPT part, and mix well with a pressing and stirring motion until shiny. Add the meringue to the almond paste in three batches, press and mix well for the first time, stir until well mixed for the second time, and mix lightly for the third time. When the scraper lifts up the batter, it should fall like a ribbon.

Steps for Making Passion Fruit White Chocolate Macarons

Pour the batter into a piping bag with a round tip, and squeeze it out evenly on an oiled baking sheet. After squeezing out all the batter on two baking sheets, let it sit until the surface forms a non-sticky soft shell, about 5-10 minutes.

Steps for Making Passion Fruit White Chocolate Macarons

Preheat the Caser COUSSCO-660A player-level double-layer oven to 180 degrees Celsius in advance, and put both baking sheets in it. Adjust the temperature to 165 degrees Celsius and bake for about 5 minutes. When the skirt reaches the highest state and begins to fall back, adjust the temperature to 145 degrees Celsius and continue baking for 6-10 minutes.

Steps for Making Passion Fruit White Chocolate Macarons

After baking, place the macarons on a wire rack to cool. After cooling, remove them from the oil cloth. The crispy outer shell and chewy inner part are both delicious.

Steps for Making Passion Fruit White Chocolate Macarons

To make the filling, put the passion fruit puree in a milk pot, simmer over low heat until thickened (reduced by half), add the glucose syrup and mix well, and let it cool to about 40 degrees Celsius.

Steps for Making Passion Fruit White Chocolate Macarons

Melt the white chocolate in 60-degree Celsius hot water, add the cooled passion fruit puree, mix well, and add the light cream. Stir until smooth, cover, and let it sit until it thickens and can be used as filling.

Steps for Making Passion Fruit White Chocolate Macarons

Put the filling in a piping bag with a round flower tip, and squeeze it evenly in the middle of the macaron shell. Cover with another shell. The beautiful macarons are ready.