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Preserved Egg and Lean Pork Congee

Preserved Egg and Lean Pork Congee

Main Ingredients:
White Rice: 300g.

Additional Ingredients:
Preserved Eggs: 2; Eggs: 1; Lean Pork: 260g; Scallions: 2; Ginger: 3 slices.

Cooking Oil: Appropriate amount; Salt: Appropriate amount; Monosodium Glutamate: Appropriate amount.

Taste: Light; Cooking Method: Boiling; Time: 20 minutes; Difficulty: Easy.

Detailed Steps for Preserved Egg and Lean Pork Congee

Steps for Making Preserved Egg and Lean Pork Congee

Wash the rice and put it in a pressure cooker to cook.

Steps for Making Preserved Egg and Lean Pork Congee

Prepare the ingredients first.

Steps for Making Preserved Egg and Lean Pork Congee

Shred the ginger.

Steps for Making Preserved Egg and Lean Pork Congee

Dice the preserved eggs.

Steps for Making Preserved Egg and Lean Pork Congee

Add the ginger and preserved eggs to the congee when it is 70% cooked.

Steps for Making Preserved Egg and Lean Pork Congee

Mince the lean pork.

Steps for Making Preserved Egg and Lean Pork Congee

Beat the egg into egg liquid.

Steps for Making Preserved Egg and Lean Pork Congee

Dice the scallions.

Steps for Making Preserved Egg and Lean Pork Congee

Add oil to the congee, put in the lean pork, cook for a while, and then pour in the egg liquid.

Steps for Making Preserved Egg and Lean Pork Congee

Add seasonings and finally add scallions.

Steps for Making Preserved Egg and Lean Pork Congee

Serve in a bowl.