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Preserved Egg Tofu

Preserved Egg Tofu

Main Ingredients:
Silken Tofu: 1 box.

Additional Ingredients:
Preserved Egg: 1; Scallion: 1; Cilantro: 2 sprigs; Thai Chili: 1.

Soy Sauce: as needed; Sesame Oil: a little; Sugar: a little; MSG: a little; Chicken Powder: a little; White Sesame Seeds: a little; Chili Oil: a little; Minced Garlic: a little.

Taste: Slightly Spicy; Cooking Method: Mixed; Time: 10 minutes; Difficulty: Easy.

Detailed Steps for Preserved Egg Tofu

Steps for Making Preserved Egg Tofu

Take out the silken tofu from the box and pour out the water.

Steps for Making Preserved Egg Tofu

Place the tofu upside down on a plate, cut off a corner, and remove the packaging easily.

Steps for Making Preserved Egg Tofu

Cut the tofu into small pieces, cut the preserved egg into small pieces, and mix them together.

Steps for Making Preserved Egg Tofu

Add scallions.

Steps for Making Preserved Egg Tofu

Add cilantro.

Steps for Making Preserved Egg Tofu

Add Thai chili pepper.

Steps for Making Preserved Egg Tofu

Make a seasoning sauce: soy sauce, sugar, MSG, chicken powder, sesame oil, chili oil, white sesame seeds, minced garlic (you can add vinegar if you like).

Steps for Making Preserved Egg Tofu

Mix well and pour the sauce over the tofu.