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Pumpkin Cupcakes

Pumpkin Cupcakes

Main Ingredients:
Pumpkin: 120g; Milk: 1 tbsp; Sugar: 1 tbsp; Pumpkin Seeds: 36 pieces (substituted with sunflower seeds as pumpkin seeds were not available).

Additional Ingredients:
Egg: 1; Milk: 50ml; Cake Flour: 120g; Baking Powder: 1 tsp; Salt: 1g; Salad Oil: 50ml; Maple Syrup: 60g.

Taste: Sweet; Technique: Baking; Time: One hour; Difficulty: Moderate.

Detailed Steps for Making Pumpkin Cupcakes

Steps for Making Pumpkin Cupcakes

Peel and cut the pumpkin into small pieces, steam until soft using a rice cooker. If you don’t have a rice cooker, you can also boil the pumpkin in water (enough to cover the pumpkin).

Steps for Making Pumpkin Cupcakes

Mash the steamed pumpkin while hot with a spoon, then add 1 tbsp of sugar and 1 tbsp of milk, mix well to make the pumpkin filling.

Steps for Making Pumpkin Cupcakes

Whisk the egg until foamy, then gradually add maple syrup, salad oil, and milk, mix well with a whisk.

Steps for Making Pumpkin Cupcakes

Sift in the cake flour, salt, and baking powder. Use a spatula to mix until smooth without lumps.

Steps for Making Pumpkin Cupcakes

Line a muffin tin with cupcake liners. Start by adding a tablespoon of cake batter as the base, then add a portion of the pumpkin filling on top.

Steps for Making Pumpkin Cupcakes

Fill the muffin cups up to 80% full with the cake batter.

Steps for Making Pumpkin Cupcakes

Preheat the oven to 180°C and bake for 5 minutes initially.

Steps for Making Pumpkin Cupcakes

Place pumpkin seeds on top and continue baking for another 20 minutes.

Steps for Making Pumpkin Cupcakes

Remove the baked cupcakes and let them cool to room temperature before serving.