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Purple Rice Cake

Purple Rice Cake

Main Ingredients:
Glutinous Blood Rice: 300g; Glutinous Round Rice: 200g; Flour: 500g.

Auxiliary Ingredients:
Sugar: Appropriate amount; Condensed Milk: Appropriate amount.

Salt: 3g; Cooking Oil: 400g.

Taste: Sweet and Fragrant; Cooking Method: Pan-fried; Time-consuming: Several Hours; Difficulty: Advanced.

Detailed Steps for Cooking Purple Rice Cake

Steps for Making Purple Rice Cake

Weigh the glutinous blood rice and glutinous round rice.

Steps for Making Purple Rice Cake

Wash the rice with clean water several times and soak it overnight.

Steps for Making Purple Rice Cake

Put the soaked glutinous rice into an electric rice cooker and cook it with an appropriate amount of water.

Steps for Making Purple Rice Cake

Add an appropriate amount of condensed milk and sugar while the rice is still hot.

Steps for Making Purple Rice Cake

Mix well.

Steps for Making Purple Rice Cake

Use a mold to divide the mixture into layers with a thickness of one finger, cover it with plastic wrap, and refrigerate it in the refrigerator.

Steps for Making Purple Rice Cake

Mix 500g of flour, 250g of water, 40g of cooking oil, and 3g of salt evenly and knead into a dough. Knead the dough every five minutes.

Steps for Making Purple Rice Cake

Take an appropriate amount of dough and roll it into a wrapper, then wrap it with the purple rice filling.

Steps for Making Purple Rice Cake

Seal the edges and roll it out slightly with a rolling pin.

Steps for Making Purple Rice Cake

Cook the cake in an electric baking pan until both sides are golden and the skin is crispy.