Main Ingredients:
Whole Milk: 450g; QQ Candy: 3 packets.
Additional Ingredients:
Butter: 100g.
Flavor: Fruity; Technique: Cooking; Time: Several hours; Difficulty: Easy.
Steps to Make QQ Candy Pudding
Preparation: Whole Milk, Butter, QQ Candy
Heat on low, melt QQ Candy in a bowl over water, making sure no water gets into the bowl!
To prevent solidification after melting, pour hot water from the cooking pot into a larger bowl, continue to keep the QQ Candy liquid warm. (Repeat for other flavors of QQ Candy)
Pour hot milk into a pot, heat but do not boil.
Pour the hot milk into the QQ Candy liquid.
Stir until the QQ Candy liquid is fully incorporated into the milk. Note: QQ solidifies very quickly, if it doesn’t melt in the milk, you can put it in the hot water bowl mentioned in step 3 to melt it a bit, but not for too long.)
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