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【Recipe for Char Siu Rice】Melancholic Rice

【Recipe for Char Siu Rice】Melancholic Rice

Main ingredients:
Egg: 1; White rice: 250g; Shanghai green: 1 bunch; Char siu pork: 1/2 pound.

Marinade for char siu pork:
Salt: a small amount; Soy sauce: a little; Honey: 1 tablespoon; Char siu sauce: 3 tablespoons; Rose wine: 1 tablespoon.

Oil: a little; Salt: a little.

Taste: Light; Cooking method: Boiling; Time: 10 minutes; Difficulty: Easy.

【Recipe for Char Siu Rice】Melancholic Rice Detailed Cooking Steps

【Recipe for Char Siu Rice】Melancholic Rice Cooking Steps

Prepare the ingredients

【Recipe for Char Siu Rice】Melancholic Rice Cooking Steps

First, put the pork in the marinade, use a fork to poke the meat, then wrap it with plastic wrap and refrigerate overnight in the refrigerator

【Recipe for Char Siu Rice】Melancholic Rice Cooking Steps

Place the char siu pork on a grill, place a baking tray lined with tin foil underneath, preheat to 180 degrees, bake for 10 minutes, then bake for 35 minutes on the middle rack

【Recipe for Char Siu Rice】Melancholic Rice Cooking Steps

Add a small amount of oil to the white rice in the pot and stir evenly, then add water to the rice

【Recipe for Char Siu Rice】Melancholic Rice Cooking Steps

Cook the rice with internal strength (if you don’t know internal strength, just cook it on the stove. Boil the rice water on high heat, then reduce the heat after the rice water boils, and simmer for 10 minutes after the water is completely absorbed)

【Recipe for Char Siu Rice】Melancholic Rice Cooking Steps

Cook the Shanghai greens in water with a little oil

【Recipe for Char Siu Rice】Melancholic Rice Cooking Steps

Make a soft-boiled egg with a runny yolk (if you don’t know how to make a soft-boiled egg, I suggest you can add a little oil to the pan, then add a little salt, crack an egg into the pan, don’t stir, then pour in a small amount of water, and shape it)

【Recipe for Char Siu Rice】Melancholic Rice Cooking Steps

After about 20 minutes, turn the char siu pork over, brush the remaining sauce, and wait for the oven to beep