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Red Sugar Coffee Nut Toast

Red Sugar Coffee Nut Toast

Main ingredients:
Flour: 260g; Nestle instant coffee: 30g; Water: 90g; Egg: 50g; Brown sugar: 45g; Milk powder: 15g; Butter: 20g; Yeast: 4g; Mixed nuts: 75g.

Auxiliary materials:
Salt: 2g.

Red Sugar Coffee Nut Toast

Red Sugar Coffee Nut Toast

Taste: Sweet; Process: Baking; Time-consuming: Several hours; Difficulty: Simple.

Detailed steps for cooking Red Sugar Coffee Nut Toast

Steps for making Red Sugar Coffee Nut Toast

Prepare the ingredients and quantities.

Steps for making Red Sugar Coffee Nut Toast

Mix 30g of coffee with 90g of hot water to make a stronger coffee.

Steps for making Red Sugar Coffee Nut Toast

Put all ingredients except for the mixed nuts into the bread machine and start the dough program (knead for 28 minutes and ferment for 20 minutes).

Steps for making Red Sugar Coffee Nut Toast

After kneading for 24 minutes, cut a small piece of dough and stretch it to check the dough’s state. The toast must have a smooth surface.

Steps for making Red Sugar Coffee Nut Toast

Add the mixed nuts to the dough and knead for another 4 minutes until the nuts are well mixed into the dough.

Steps for making Red Sugar Coffee Nut Toast

After kneading the dough with the mixed nuts, let it ferment for 20 minutes (the bread machine’s program includes a 20-minute fermentation, so there is no need to adjust the program).

Steps for making Red Sugar Coffee Nut Toast

The dough is ready after fermentation.

Steps for making Red Sugar Coffee Nut Toast

Divide the dough into 3 equal parts, deflate and round them, then cover them with plastic wrap and let them rest for 20 minutes.

Steps for making Red Sugar Coffee Nut Toast

Roll one piece of dough into a rectangle.

Steps for making Red Sugar Coffee Nut Toast

Fold the left and right sides of the dough towards the center. Today, we used a simple rolling method.

Steps for making Red Sugar Coffee Nut Toast

Roll the dough from the top down, making 2.5 turns. Do not exceed 3 turns.

Steps for making Red Sugar Coffee Nut Toast

Place the rolled dough with the seam facing down into the toast box.

Steps for making Red Sugar Coffee Nut Toast

Let the dough ferment in the oven, place a bowl of warm water in the oven to maintain humidity, set the temperature to 37 degrees Celsius, and let it ferment for 50 minutes.

Steps for making Red Sugar Coffee Nut Toast

When the dough is 80% fermented, preheat the oven.

Steps for making Red Sugar Coffee Nut Toast

Place the dough on the bottom of the oven, set the temperature to 135 degrees Celsius for the upper heat and 165 degrees Celsius for the lower heat, and bake for 35 minutes. Cover the toast with foil when it turns brown.

Steps for making Red Sugar Coffee Nut Toast

After the toast is baked, shake the mold twice, remove the toast from the mold, and slice it after it cools down.