Main Ingredients:
Lees: 250g; Egg: 1; Starch: 12g per 500ml water.
Additional Ingredients:
Goji Berry: 10; Red Sugar: to taste.
Taste: Sweet; Cooking Method: Stewing; Time: 10 minutes; Difficulty: Easy.
Detailed Steps for Cooking Red Sugar Goji Berry Egg Lees Soup
Dissolve starch in water, using 12g of starch per 500ml of water.
Bring water to a boil and add starch, stirring until it becomes a thick, nutritious paste. Beat the egg.
Add the beaten egg to the pot and do not stir. When the water boils, stir the egg into small pieces.
Prepare the lees, goji berries, and red sugar, and add them to the pot.
Add red sugar to taste.
Serve in a bowl.
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